In order to gather new strength for everyday life, you need a break from time to time.
Benefit the special pachage, a special offer in the Dolomites!
Qigong is a Chinese system of meditation, concentration and movement for the cultivation of body and soul.
Qigong practice involves breathing exercises, physical exercise, meditation and training of movement and concentration.
01.06.2025 - 29.06.2025
31.08.2025 - 12.10.2025
7 nights two persons = 1.110,00 €
(additional person in apartment: 450,00 €)
The offer includes:
• 7 overnights for min. 2 persons in one of our luxury nature wood apartments
Enjoy pristine nature in one of our luxury wooden apartments with exceptional comfort, highest quality and wellbeing in harmony with nature!
• Furthermore we offer reduced prices for meals at our partners’ restaurants
• Iridodiagnosis
Our expert match his observations to your iris charts
• With breathing and physical exercises we find the inner balance
We practice from Sunday to Friday every morning (1,5 hours) different exercises as stretching and elbow&knee exercises and practice one of the most ancient types of Shaolin-Qi Gong
These easy-to-learn exercises help improve your agility; tendons and ligaments become more flexible and elastic and the skeleton, muscular system and backbone are strengthened; lung capacity is increased and oxygen intake improved; posture becomes more intentional and upright, mindfulness and perception are sharpened; circulation is boosted and the soul is calmed.
• Guestpass
You discover the wonderful landscape of the Dolomites with the Three Peaks and all attractions for free by train or bus!
• 1 Wellness Massage
Treat yourself to an indulgent massage and enjoy total relaxation in a calm atmosphere.
Friday: Nordic-walking-tour (Nordic-walking-sticks included)
We will hike together and end the week’s experiences with a typical meal.